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Lower Oil Prices Carry Geopolitical Consequences

Gas-Pump-740 The recent drop in global oil prices is affecting economies around the world. This series examines the reasons behind the falling prices and their effects on major energy consumers and producers. Part One discusses the structural changes in the oil market, particularly the growth in supply and the decline in demand. Part Two will examine the countries likely to be most troubled by price drops, while Part Three will look at the countries likely to gain the most.

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First Global Risk Management Standard for Supply Chains

container BSI, the business standards company, has launched PAS 7000, a universally applicable supply chain information standard for suppliers and buyers at organizations of all sizes around the globe. PAS 7000 Supply Chain Risk Management- Supplier prequalification helps answer three key questions relating to any organization’s supply chain partners: Who are they? Where are they? Can they be relied upon? The standard draws on the collective expertise of 240 professionals drawn from global industry associations and organizations, and it addresses product, process and behavioral criteria for supplier prequalification.

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The Cost of a Bad Reputation

citi1 Corporate Responsibility (CR) Magazine, in conjunction with Alexander Mann Solutions, announced the findings of the publication’s annual corporate reputation survey, which found that when making decisions about their future employment, the majority of Americans (71 percent) want to work for a company whose CEO is actively involved in corporate responsibility and/or environmental issues.

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