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Has COVID Vaccination Transformed Corporate Issue Activism?

Has COVID Vaccination Transformed Corporate Issue Activism? by Tony Jaques PhD, Director of Issue Outcomes Pty Ltd, for people who work in issue and crisis management, author of Crisis Counsel: Navigating Legal and Communication Conflict. Proactive corporate support (corporate issue activism) for COVID vaccination has triggered praise for some companies. But does it indicate a…

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Cyber-Crises Are Never “Just an IT Problem”

Cyber-Crises Are Never "Just an IT Problem" by Tony Jaques PhD, Director of Issue Outcomes Pty Ltd, for people who work in issue and crisis management, author of Crisis Counsel: Navigating Legal and Communication Conflict. Online data failures and ransomware attacks are emerging as a leading deadly threat to reputation. However, some organisations still seem to…

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Executing Crisis: A C-Suite Crisis Leadership Survival Guide by Dr. Jo Robertson

Free Chapter: No Successful Crisis Response Begins When The Crisis Begins!

Now, more than ever, today’s executive needs to be prepared to take quick action to annihilate crises before they happen! EXECUTING CRISIS: A C-SUITE CRISIS LEADERSHIP SURVIVAL GUIDE is made for business leaders who wants to learn how to manage a crisis when it arises. How leaders deal with crisis can clarify character and strengthen reputation.…

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Reputation Risk: What do European Football and Australia Post have in common?

What do European Football and Australia Post have in common? by Tony Jaques PhD, Director of Issue Outcomes Pty Ltd, for people who work in issue and crisis management, author of Crisis Counsel: Navigating Legal and Communication Conflict. Stakeholders are the essential foundation of any communication strategy especially issue and crisis management and two recent…

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