“Web defacement is an attack in which malicious parties penetrate a website and replace content on the site with their own messages. The messages can convey a political or religious message, profanity, or other inappropriate content that would embarrass website owners, or a notice that the website has been hacked by a specific hacker group.”
Charlie Maclean-Bristol investigates AI-driven scams and examines the advantages and disadvantages of AI in the online world with the help of Google Gemini
Charlie Maclean-Bristol discusses questions organizations should consider when responding to a cyber-attack, including how the attacker got into the system and their potential motives.
How many more times will some struggling organization announce that a cyber-breach or data leak was caused by failure at a 3rd-party contractor?
Start building YOUR Cyber Threat, Vulnerability Detection, and Intelligence Capability with this free excerpt from the groundbreaking book Building an Effective Cybersecurity Program, by Tari Schreider
Where would all the nation’s critical infrastructure be if we didn’t have a reliable electric grid? How would your business survive?
The world can be a scary place for your business … and cyber threats can be even scarier these days. When hostile state actors and increasingly dangerous corporate espionage are worrying you, you need to focus your energy on cyber threat detection, prevention and response!
This free excerpt from the groundbreaking book Building an Effective Cybersecurity Program…
Charlie Maclean-Bristol discusses the evidence behind cyber attacks indirectly causing the death and injury of people, and the importance of exercises to train employees on working efficiently during a cyber attack.
What specifically can organisations do to help minimize the risk of a cybersecurity crisis?
Rachelle Loyear, Tim McCreight, CPP, John Petruzzi, CPP and David Feeney, CPP discussed Enterprise Security Risk Management (ESRM) and digital transformation