Unlike Black Swan events, which are highly improbable, with catastrophic impact, Grey Rhino events are highly probable, high impact yet neglected threats that occur after a series of warnings and visible evidence.
When you’re in the public spotlight over a high-profile issue, the first question is: “What shall we say to the media?” But another important question is: “Should we say anything at all?”
MIT Professional Education is offering its popular and comprehensive Crisis Management & Business Resiliency Course twice this year
What specifically can organisations do to help minimize the risk of a cybersecurity crisis?
When it comes to crisis management, that most difficult question is: “When did you first know about this?”
Rhinos and Risk Assessments: Adjusting risk Assessment Methodologies to Account for ‘Unforeseeable’ Events
By Dr. Jo Robertson
It is wrong to describe the COVID-19 pandemic as a "black swan" (i.e. a catastrophic event that no one saw coming). Far more apt would be to call it a ‘grey rhino’…
Just as the world seems to be slowly recovering from the worst of COVID-19, business continuity and supply-chain are emerging as major crisis risks.
Wicked Problems - What Do I Need To Know?
by Charlie Maclean-Bristol, FBCI, FEPS
Charlie Maclean-Bristol discusses the theory of wicked problems, what it means for business continuity professionals and how we are able to implement this idea into our plans.
This week I wanted to share with you all an academic theory around wicked…
Reputation may in fact be your most valuable uninsured asset. Nothing destroys reputation faster or deeper than a crisis mismanaged.
Reputation may in fact be your most valuable uninsured asset. Nothing destroys reputation faster or deeper than a crisis mismanaged.