Now, more than ever, today’s executive needs to be prepared to take quick action to annihilate crises before they happen! EXECUTING CRISIS: A C-SUITE CRISIS LEADERSHIP SURVIVAL GUIDE is made for business leaders who wants to learn how to manage a crisis when it arises.
How leaders deal with crisis can clarify character and strengthen reputation.…
MIT Crisis Management & Business Resiliency Course — now offered online
July 19-22 and July 26-29, 2021
There's no denying its been a difficult year. To help you navigate today's and tomorrow's crises, MIT Professional Education's popular Crisis Management & Business Resiliency Course is being offered virtually this July.
MIT Crisis Management & Business Resiliency Course…
One of the most common areas of disagreement between lawyers and communicators is about when and how to apologize.
If your approach is, “management by bungling,” expect irreparable, permanent damage to your reputation, at least while you’re still in charge
One of the most common areas of disagreement between lawyers and communicators is about when and how to apologize.
Reputation may in fact be your most valuable uninsured asset. Nothing destroys reputation faster or deeper than a crisis mismanaged.
Reputation may in fact be your most valuable uninsured asset. Nothing destroys reputation faster or deeper than a crisis mismanaged.
COVID-19 is proving an existential crisis for many non-profits and charities, but the reality is that such organizations are equally vulnerable to the whole range of usual crisis risks, and many are simply not adequately prepared.
A crisis is a test of leadership. A test of systems. And a test of relationships. But it is also a test of values.
A crisis is a test of leadership. A test of systems. And a test of relationships. But it is also a test of values.