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Get your Business Continuity Tools and Templates Now

Get your Business Continuity, Crisis Management and Resilience programs going with these powerful tools and templates for Businesses of all types and sizes  – including Services, Manufacturing and Distribution!

Collect information and evaluate your business environment, identify and reduce risks, analyze business operations, analyze alternatives to respond to disruptions, develop a comprehensive Business Continuity Plan, and prepare for and respond to hazards-specific events with The Template for Comprehensive Business Continuity Management to Enhance Your Organization’s Resilience.

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Don’t Get Blindsided! Get Your Guide to Crisis Leadership

A crisis strikes out of the blue, at the time and place least expected. In a word, you’re Blindsided! According to Bruce T. Blythe, managing a crisis is an ultimate test of leadership, requiring leaders who inspire loyalty and trust as they rise to the occasion to meet the needs of people. Blythe shows you what it takes to be an effective and humane strategic crisis leader, a “crisis whisperer.” While other books talk about crisis leadership, this one lands you in the middle of a fast-breaking crisis and demonstrates what a top-notch leader, a “crisis whisperer,” would say and do at every twist and turn. Blythe pulls up a chair and coaches you with real-world examples of what has worked — and not worked — in 30 years of experience with hundreds of companies just like yours. Some books tell you how to create a crisis response plan. Others tell you how to cope with the crisis as it takes place. Blythe does both.

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Get your Business Continuity Tools, Templates for Business, Manufacturing, Distribution

Get your Business Continuity, Crisis Management and Resilience programs going with these powerful tools and templates for Businesses of all types and sizes  – including Services, Manufacturing and Distribution!

Collect information and evaluate your business environment, identify and reduce risks, analyze business operations, analyze alternatives to respond to disruptions, develop a comprehensive Business Continuity Plan, and prepare for and respond to hazards-specific events with The Template for Comprehensive Business Continuity Management to Enhance Your Organization’s Resilience.

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MIT’s Crisis Management & Business Continuity Course

Attend MIT Professional Education’s Crisis Management and Business Continuity course and prepare your organization for the inevitable. Offered since 2010, hundreds of participants have gained valuable insights and take-aways on business continuity, crisis management, disaster recovery, and crisis communications. Learn from MIT faculty and industry experts on MIT’s campus in Cambridge, MA July 24 – 28, 2017. Plus earn 3.3 Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

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Don’t Get Blindsided! Get Your Guide to Crisis Leadership

A crisis strikes out of the blue, at the time and place least expected. In a word, you’re Blindsided! According to Bruce T. Blythe, managing a crisis is an ultimate test of leadership, requiring leaders who inspire loyalty and trust as they rise to the occasion to meet the needs of people. Blythe shows you what it takes to be an effective and humane strategic crisis leader, a “crisis whisperer.” While other books talk about crisis leadership, this one lands you in the middle of a fast-breaking crisis and demonstrates what a top-notch leader, a “crisis whisperer,” would say and do at every twist and turn. Blythe pulls up a chair and coaches you with real-world examples of what has worked — and not worked — in 30 years of experience with hundreds of companies just like yours. Some books tell you how to create a crisis response plan. Others tell you how to cope with the crisis as it takes place. Blythe does both.

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Business Continuity Tools for Manufacturing, Distribution, Education, Business

These new tools for Colleges and Universities; Public and Private K-12 Schools; Manufacturing and Distribution; and, for Businesses of all types and sizes give you what you need to get your Business Continuity, Crisis Management and Resilience programs going!

  Collect information and evaluate your business environment, identify and reduce risks, analyze business operations, analyze alternatives to respond to disruptions, develop a comprehensive Business Continuity Plan, and to prepare for and respond to hazards-specific events with The Template for Comprehensive Business Continuity Management to Enhance Your Organization’s Resilience.

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Powerful Business Continuity, Crisis Management, Resilience Tools/Templates

Collect information and evaluate your business environment, identify and reduce risks, analyze business operations, analyze alternatives to respond to disruptions, develop a comprehensive Business Continuity Plan, and to prepare for and respond to hazards-specific events with The Template for Comprehensive Business Continuity Management to Enhance Your Organization’s Resilience.

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