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YOUR TIME, YOUR WAY: Time Well Managed, Life Well Lived by Carl Pullein NOW AVAILABLE!

YOUR TIME, YOUR WAY: Time Well Managed, Life Well Lived by Carl Pullein is NOW AVAILABLE Kindle, Paperback and Hardcover!




Is It Actually Possible to Do More in Less Time?

Discover How to Make the System Work for You – Not the Other Way Around

It’s Tuesday morning, you’re stuck in traffic, battling against the clock, and there’s so much to do. Often enough, we work long hours, then get off to run errands, and yet, at the end of the day, it feels like we’ve accomplished nothing. But what if there’s a way not just to do more but do what truly matters?

Introducing Your Time, Your Way: Time Well Managed, Life Well Lived, by Carl Pullein

A revolutionary approach to redefining your relationship with time: in a fast-paced world, time is your true currency.

Written by author, coach, and #1 Time Management Guru Carl Pullein, this productivity handbook presents an innovative, meticulously crafted time management system that works for you.

Carl introduces the “Time Sector System(tm),” an incredibly user-friendly system designed to help you master the art of time management. Carl, a true time-tamer with a career spanning 20+ years, has helped not just individuals but global brands like KIA utilize their time efficiently and effectively. And now he’s here to help you.

What if you could not just do more but do what truly matters?

  • Carl Pullein’s Time Sector System(tm) is a revolutionary approach to redefining your relationship with time. Learn to:

Prioritize tasks by importance, not urgency – what truly matters to you.
Avoid common pitfalls – plan your day in a way that’s not overwhelming.
• Spend more time doing the things you love.
Achieve your goals in a way that is easy and not stressful.
• Simplify your world with advice that is fresh, current, and positive, drawing from real-life examples.

Your Time, Your Way simplifies the complexity of our modern world with advice that feels fresh, current, and applicable. Drawing from real-life examples, it has the power to help you start living your best life today.

But I’ve already tried every productivity system out there…

Your Time, Your Way doesn’t simply provide just another way to cross things off your list. It substantially urges you to reframe your point of view. You are the master of your time, not the prey of your tasks. Whether you’re a busy executive, a stay-at-home parent, or a college student, Your Time, Your Way provides all the necessary tools for a more organized, fulfilled, and balanced life.


A Note from the Publisher

When I first connected with Carl, I pondered how to make a business case for this book project, considering how many books on productivity and time management are already on the market. Then I realized what would make this book work, and it was simple: I needed a test subject, and who better than myself? I challenged Carl to convince me that his methods would work for me: an organized, experienced professional who has been refining my time management approach over many decades!

As we worked through a strategy for the book and I read a lot of Carl’s writings and watched his extensive and compelling videos (check out Carl Pullein’s YouTube Channel), I kept thinking, “nothing new here” – or, at first, so I thought. 

Was I Wrong!

One day, I noticed something curious: I had, for many years, a consistent morning work routine, which I believed was well-tuned and productive. Among my first tasks of the day, I would check for overnight emails or transactions from other parts of the world as well as urgent messages, do a quick check of financial transactions and balances, and remove a bunch of spam emails that sneak in so that my inbox, if not addressed, at least has fewer distractions and time-wasters. 

Soon, I realized that I was skipping or at least minimizing these steps and starting in on productive project work earlier in the day, instead of coming back to these tasks later in the morning after I had actually accomplished something worthwhile. The problem was, I don’t have any recollection of consciously deciding to do this, or even when it happened. And then I realized… Darn! Carl must have brainwashed me (LOL), or else his Time Sector System(tm) must really work!

I am probably among the least likely people to pay attention to time management or productivity tools, or methodologies for that matter. After all, I’ve refined my methods over decades, and, as we well know, I know everything- LOL (even if my wife disagrees). So I was surprised when I realized that my stress levels had dropped, I was getting more done, and somehow, I found more free time to pursue other interests (my dogs and my wife are happy with that. Mostly my dogs).

So….whether you’re a corporate worker, small business entrepreneur, work-from-home professional, artist, hobbyist, student, or retired, I promise there’s stuff in this book you will find valuable.

Bottom line: be skeptical. Don’t assume Carl’s book, YOUR TIME, YOUR WAY: Time Well Managed, Life Well Lived, is going to work wonders for you. But my advice is simply to give it a try. If this can make my life better, just maybe you will find yourself sleeping better, becoming more productive and effective, and less stressed. We could all use a little less stress these days, yes? 


Click HERE to learn more about this new book!

YOUR TIME, YOUR WAY: Time Well Managed, Life Well Lived is now available in eBook, hardcover and softcover from most booksellers including Click HERE! 

Contact [email protected] for quantity orders!

Philip Jan Rothstein, FBCI



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